Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Imperfect Tense in Spanish

The imperfect tense in Spanish is the tense that expresses action in the past that has not been completed, that occurred habitually or frequently, or that took place over an indefinite period of time. It contrasts with the preterite tense, which expresses​ an action that took place at a definite time or has been completed. English does not have an imperfect tense per se, although it has other ways of expressing the concept of the Spanish imperfect, such as by context or by saying that something used to happen or was happening. The preterite and imperfect tenses are often referred to as the two simple past tenses of Spanish. The imperfect tense can also be contrasted with the perfect tenses of Spanish, which refer to completed action. (Although the usage is no longer common, the English perfect is sometimes a synonym of complete.) Spanish has past perfect, present perfect and future perfect tenses. By itself, the term imperfect tense usually refers to its indicative form. Spanish also has two forms of the subjunctive imperfect, which are nearly always interchangeable. The imperfect is known as the pretà ©rito imperfecto in Spanish. Forming the Imperfect Tense The indicative imperfect is conjugated  in the following pattern for regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs: Hablar: yo hablaba, tà º hablabas, usted/à ©l/ella hablaba, nosotros/nosotras hablà ¡bamos, vosotros/vosotras hablabais, ustedes/ellos/ellas hablaban.Beber: yo bebà ­a, tà º bebà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella bebà ­a, nosotros/nosotras bebà ­amos, vosotros/vosotras bebà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebà ­an.Vivir: yo vivà ­a, tà º vivà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella vivà ­a, nosotros/nosotras vivà ­amos, vosotros/vosotras vivà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas vivà ­an. The subjunctive form in more common use is conjugated as follows: Hablar: yo hablara, tà º hablaras, usted/à ©l/ella hablara, nosotros/nosotras hablà ¡ramos, vosotros/vosotras hablarais, ustedes/ellos/ellas hablaran.Beber: yo bebiera, tà º bebieras, usted/à ©l/ella bebiera, nosotros/nosotras bebià ©ramos, vosotros/vosotras bebierais, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebieran.Vivir: yo viviera, tà º vivieras, usted/à ©l/ella viviera, nosotros/nosotras vivieramos, vosotros/vosotras vivierais, ustedes/ellos/ellas vivieran. Uses for the Imperfect Tense One of the most common uses of the present tenses is to tell of past actions that did not have a clear beginning or end. These may involve situations or repeated actions that occurred over an indefinite period of time. A simple example is Asistà ­amos a la escuela or We attended the school. Use of the imperfect tense indicates that it is unimportant when the attendance began and ended—in fact, asistà ­amos could be used even if the speaker is still a student at the school as long as the students attended in the past. Note that there is a subtle meaning of difference from the preterite equivalent, Asistimos a la escuela, which also could be translated as We attended the school. The preterite suggests the speaker no longer attended the school, or that the reference is to a specific time. Similarly, the imperfect is used in specifying the background of another event. For example, Nos conocimos cuando asistà ­amos a la escuela, or We met each other when we were attending the school. Conocimos is in the preterite from because it refers to an incident that occurred at a specific time, but the background portion of the sentence uses the imperfect. Translation of the imperfect to English depends on the context. The most frequent translations for asistà ­amos include we attended, we used to attend, we were attending, and we would attend. Sample Sentences Using the Imperfect Tense Spanish imperfect verbs (in boldface) with possible English translations are shown below. Él cantaba. (He used to sing. The English translation shows how the activity occurred over an indefinite, extended period of time.)Ella escribà ­a la carta. (She was writing the letter. Note that in this and the above example, out of context the verb doesnt indicate when or even whether the action came to an end.)Yo conocà ­a a Eva. (I knew Eva. Conocer can mean to know or to meet. The use of the imperfect here shows that the activity took place over an indefinite period of time, so knew makes sense here.)Una mujer murià ³ en el hospital mientras estaba bajo custodia. (A woman died in the hospital while she was in custody. This sentence shows the use of the imperfect for background.)Cuando era estudiante, jugaba todo el tiempo. (When he was a student, he would play all the time.)Dudo que mi madre comprara alguna vez esa revista. (I doubt that my mother ever bought that magazine. The imperfect is used here because the possible event wouldnt have happened at a particular time.)U n gran buffet estaba a la disposicià ³n de ellos para que comieran todo lo que quisieran. (A huge buffet was at their disposal so they could eat whatever they wanted. Note how the context requires different ways of translating the subjunctive.) Key Takeaways The imperfect tense is one of the two Spanish simple past tenses, the other being the preterite.The imperfect tense is used when the beginning and end of the action are unknown, unspecified, and/or unimportant.One common use of the imperfect is in describing events that serve as background for another event.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

C229 Community Health Essay - 1944 Words

Community Health Nursing C229 WGU Community Health C229 One of the more serious problems that the Southeast Queens Community is facing is obesity. Obesity has led to many other health concerns in this community such as Type 2 diabetes , heart disease, stroke, and even certain cancers. This presentation looks into who is at risk, and why? And what can be done to help this community. B1. Description of Community The Southeast section of Queens, NY is 1.802 square miles with a population of 34,929 people. (U.S Census Queens County Quick Facts, 2010, para. 2) The population density is 19,388 people per square mile. The community is a very diverse community and home to many foreign born natives mainly from the Caribbean.†¦show more content†¦B2a. Background Information As per Healthy People 2020 most Americans do not consume healthy diets and are not physically active at levels needed to maintain proper health. As a result of these behaviors the nation has experienced a dramatic increase in obesity in the U.S with 1 in 3 adults (34.0%) and 1 and 6 children and adolescents (16.2%) are obese. In addition to grave health consequences of being overweight and obese. It significantly raises medical cost and causes a great burden on the U.S medical care delivery system (Healthy People 2020, 2014, p. 1). B2b. Data Related to the Health Concern In 2013-2014 37.7% of adults 20 years of age and older in the U.S were obese. Among racial ethnic groups white Non -Hispanics had the lowest rate of obesity at 36.4%. Black and Hispanics populations had rates of 48.4% and 42.6% nationally. The rate for Black non- Hispanic groups were 1.5 times higher than the rate for white non- Hispanic groups.(Healthy People 2020, 2014, p. 3). B3. Description of Target Population Obesity was significantly more prevalent amongst female African Americans in this community. With the highest rate affecting women between the ages of 45 to 64. Obesity was also higher amongst Black females who’s educational attainment was lowerShow MoreRelatedEssay about Community Health and Population C2292848 Words   |  12 PagesApplication of Community Health Population-Focused Nursing Western Governors University Measles 1. Describe the Chosen Outbreak Measles is virus with a single-stranded RNA and two membranes: a fusion protein that infuses into the host cell membrane and the hemagglutinin protein that absorbs the virus into the cells. The primary site for invasion is in the epithelium of the nares. Measles is highly contagious and very infectious because it is easilyRead MoreCommunity Health Essay4549 Words   |  19 PagesCommunity Health C229 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! CKA Task 1 Sharon Wiggins Western Governors University ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Community Health C229 ! ! Date Spent ! ! 6/19/15 ! 6/19/15 ! 6/19/15 ! 6/29-7/2 ! 7/11/15 1200-1700 ! 8/30/15 1100-1600 ! 9/4/15 1100-1200 ! ! 9/9-10/15 0800-1700 0800-1200 ! ! Fieldwork Study Activity Location and Contact Time Windshield Survey Dakota County, Minnesota 10 CulturalRead MoreCommunity Health And Population Focus Nursing3441 Words   |  14 Pages Community Health and Population Focus Nursing – C229 Task 1 Char Lene Mowery Western Governors University A1. Description of Community The candidate provides an appropriate description, with substantial detail, of the community where the fieldwork was performed by identifying each of the 5 given items. geographical area (e.g., county, city, town)†¢ area size†¢ population size†¢ demographics †¢ physical and social environment (use the windshield survey from task 1 of NURS 3411)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume Free Essays

Generally, a resume is a list of credentials that serves as an introduction to those who will hopefully employ a person for a particular job or position. To write a proper and well-constructed resume is often a rather daunting task, due to the need to thoroughly assess one’s personality, accomplishments and acquired skills. The act of composing and submitting a resume also requires a careful consideration of the company that might be one’s future employer. We will write a custom essay sample on To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume or any similar topic only for you Order Now A person must know exactly what the company is looking for and if his/her qualifications meet the company’s overall needs. But writing the resume is but one crucial step in the process, yet it is the most important element which will eventually lead to a new job or position. A poorly written resume often results in a negative response from employers, yet a well-written and conceived resume can influence the employer or interviewer to ask about one’s strengths and the skills that a person can bring to a prospective employer. Even a person with little or no experience can find a good job is he/she is helped by a thoughtful and well-polished resume. In today’s modern world, employers do not have the time nor the patience to read lengthy and disorganized resumes, for in reality, they look for tightly-composed, straightforward and action-based resumes. Although a one-page resume is the normal type, a two-pager may be needed if the person seeking employment has extensive work experience or has changed careers and requires the proper space to relate their accomplishments and work experience. According to â€Å"Writing Resume Tips,† the following traits must be part of every successful resume-careful proofreading with attention paid to spelling, punctuation, grammar and style; all information must be organized in a logical fashion; all descriptions must be clear and to the point; simple and easy to read fonts are mandatory, such as New Times Roman, Palatino, Helvetica and Arial; if possible, the resume must be confined to one single page; always include as much work experience as possible, even if it does not relate directly to the job one is seeking; all information must be tailored to the job one is seeking, and lastly, if one is not sure on how to proceed with the writing of a resume, always seek out professional assistance, either at school or the local library (Jobweb, Internet). Of course, knowing exactly what to include in a resume is an art in itself, for everything depends on a person’s â€Å"individual career goals as well as one the professional goals of the companies hiring in (one’s) area or field of interest. † Thus, through â€Å"research, planning, questioning and self-reflection,† a person will be able to create a well-written and positively-viewed resume (â€Å"Your Resume: General Concerns,† Internet). There are three types of resumes that are currently being used by students fresh from the university and by professional persons seeking new positions or changing their careers. The first is called the reverse chronological resume in which the most recent job or position is listed first. This is the type of resume usually preferred by employers who have to read a large number of resumes and it is by far the most popular and widely circulated. However, this type of resume may not be the most effective means of highlighting one’s skills and accomplishments. A second type of resume is known as the functional resume which is generally used by those re-entering the workforce after many years or trying to change career fields. This type places the focus on achievements instead of the sequence of one’s work history as in the chronological resume. In the functional resume, a person’s experience is presented via general accomplishments and the skills developed over one’s entire working life. Also, the functional resume is organized quite differently. For example, the work experience section is divided in two with job duties and accomplishments making up one section; the second section contains the basic elements of one’s work history and comes after the accomplishments section which is often called â€Å"employment history,† due to being a chronological overview of former jobs and positions. In today’s technological age, there is now another type of resume known as the electronic resume which is cut and pasted in an email and transmitted as part of the email message. Generally, this type of resume contains no formatting-â€Å"Whatever was bold becomes regular type; underlining, italics, centering and justification disappear, and the resume ends up being transmitted in the font designed for emailing† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 67). However, under exceptional circumstances, a person may opt to create a generic resume which contains no industry-specific information and is meant to appeal to a wide range of organizations and companies. For the most part, all of these type of resumes, with the exception of the electronic type, contain two important sections-first, the primary section, made up of an introduction, experience and education, and then the secondary section which may contain the objective, professional honors and awards, publications, computer skills, professional organizations, community activities, club memberships, volunteer positions, college work experience, military experience and some personal information such as supportive references (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 78). Obviously, the three most important elements of any well-organized resume are the introduction which gives the potential employer some basic background information on exactly which job or position is being sought, the experience section which details a person’s work history and the education section which highlights a person’s educational achievements at the high school, local community college and university levels. The experience section of a resume describes the work that a person has performed throughout his/her working life or career and thus appears first on the resume. However, if a person is changing careers, his/her work experience may be completely unrelated to the type of job or position being sought which makes the education section more important, thereby placing it before the experience section. Also, if a person has held a position in which certain degrees or related documents were required for employment, such as in law, medicine, engineering or management, the resume must begin with the education section. If a resume is begun with the work experience section, it should be in reverse chronological order, starting with the most current or recent employer. This section must also include accomplishments and duties via what type of work was done, what was achieved and how an employer benefited from one’s accomplishments on the job. Special consideration should be given to supervision, such as holding some type of management position in which one supervised or managed a number of people along with the specific title one held (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 95). Following the primary section, the resume then offers more information on various personal traits. With the objective, this statement refers to the type of position one is seeking, but often it is omitted, due to limiting the types of positions which may be offered to the prospective employee by the company or institution. When describing the job objective, it is a good idea to keep it extremely simple and direct and to make certain that it tells the employer what one wants to do within a company. Professional honors and awards can also be included in the objective, but only if they relate to the position being sought. For instance, a person applying as a manager in the automotive business might include awards from major automobile manufacturers or recognition for some type of innovative change. A person might also include any type of publishing credentials, especially those related to the position one is seeking. Since today’s world is so reliant on technology, it is a good idea to include a short description on one’s computer skills, particularly if the skills are related to programs essential to engineering or statistical management. Professional organizations can often play important roles, for they demonstrate â€Å"a sincere interest and commitment to one’s career and reflect real involvement in a person’s chosen field of specialty† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 124). The same holds true for community activities, club memberships and voluntary activities outside of the work environment, and by mentioning them, it may be beneficial if the position one is seeking requires strong social skills, such as in management and personnel recruitment. For those seeking to change careers and recent university graduates, including college work experience on a resume can make all the difference, for the potential employer will see that the person seeking the job or position was highly interested as a student in a particular vocation, especially if there is an indication that the work experience was as an intern, meaning that it was unpaid and voluntary. Of course, military experience can often be highly influential, for some employers may be veterans or currently hold reserve status in the National Guard or Coast Guard. One final piece of advice has to do with mentioning memberships in organizations that indicate a person’s religion, such as Masonic lodges or fraternities, and political preference, such as a member of a political party. In the field of management, the narrative paragraph adds the finishing touch to most resumes and is designed to provide â€Å"key information about one’s abilities, including any advanced or specialized education, publishing credentials and speaking engagements, all of which usually greatly impressive prospective employers† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 126). When composing the narrative, those seeking positions in management should try to include descriptive statements that pertain to one’s accomplishments, responsibilities and personal strengths. For example, a resume could mention that the prospective employee is an innovative and energetic leader, a skilled communicator and team builder; an accomplished expert at organizational repositioning and the development of strategic initiatives; an accomplished corporate strategist; has demonstrated leadership abilities to develop and implement solutions that improve sales and revenues; an expert at identifying and capturing business in high-growth market segments; accomplished at managing diverse groups, people and situations and an expert at human resources development, motivation and management. In conclusion, a resume is an extremely subjective document, and while its primary goal is to illustrate a potential employee’s strengths, accomplishments and capabilities, the exact way to present these traits depends on the interviewer/employer. However, a well-constructed and written resume will always be appreciated by potential employers, for it not only demonstrates a person’s organizational abilities but also illuminates one’s dedication and perseverance to the often agonizing pursuit of finding the right job or position. How to cite To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume, Papers To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume Free Essays Generally, a resume is a list of credentials that serves as an introduction to those who will hopefully employ a person for a particular job or position. To write a proper and well-constructed resume is often a rather daunting task, due to the need to thoroughly assess one’s personality, accomplishments and acquired skills. The act of composing and submitting a resume also requires a careful consideration of the company that might be one’s future employer. We will write a custom essay sample on To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume or any similar topic only for you Order Now A person must know exactly what the company is looking for and if his/her qualifications meet the company’s overall needs. But writing the resume is but one crucial step in the process, yet it is the most important element which will eventually lead to a new job or position. A poorly written resume often results in a negative response from employers, yet a well-written and conceived resume can influence the employer or interviewer to ask about one’s strengths and the skills that a person can bring to a prospective employer. Even a person with little or no experience can find a good job is he/she is helped by a thoughtful and well-polished resume. In today’s modern world, employers do not have the time nor the patience to read lengthy and disorganized resumes, for in reality, they look for tightly-composed, straightforward and action-based resumes. Although a one-page resume is the normal type, a two-pager may be needed if the person seeking employment has extensive work experience or has changed careers and requires the proper space to relate their accomplishments and work experience. According to â€Å"Writing Resume Tips,† the following traits must be part of every successful resume-careful proofreading with attention paid to spelling, punctuation, grammar and style; all information must be organized in a logical fashion; all descriptions must be clear and to the point; simple and easy to read fonts are mandatory, such as New Times Roman, Palatino, Helvetica and Arial; if possible, the resume must be confined to one single page; always include as much work experience as possible, even if it does not relate directly to the job one is seeking; all information must be tailored to the job one is seeking, and lastly, if one is not sure on how to proceed with the writing of a resume, always seek out professional assistance, either at school or the local library (Jobweb, Internet). Of course, knowing exactly what to include in a resume is an art in itself, for everything depends on a person’s â€Å"individual career goals as well as one the professional goals of the companies hiring in (one’s) area or field of interest. † Thus, through â€Å"research, planning, questioning and self-reflection,† a person will be able to create a well-written and positively-viewed resume (â€Å"Your Resume: General Concerns,† Internet). There are three types of resumes that are currently being used by students fresh from the university and by professional persons seeking new positions or changing their careers. The first is called the reverse chronological resume in which the most recent job or position is listed first. This is the type of resume usually preferred by employers who have to read a large number of resumes and it is by far the most popular and widely circulated. However, this type of resume may not be the most effective means of highlighting one’s skills and accomplishments. A second type of resume is known as the functional resume which is generally used by those re-entering the workforce after many years or trying to change career fields. This type places the focus on achievements instead of the sequence of one’s work history as in the chronological resume. In the functional resume, a person’s experience is presented via general accomplishments and the skills developed over one’s entire working life. Also, the functional resume is organized quite differently. For example, the work experience section is divided in two with job duties and accomplishments making up one section; the second section contains the basic elements of one’s work history and comes after the accomplishments section which is often called â€Å"employment history,† due to being a chronological overview of former jobs and positions. In today’s technological age, there is now another type of resume known as the electronic resume which is cut and pasted in an email and transmitted as part of the email message. Generally, this type of resume contains no formatting-â€Å"Whatever was bold becomes regular type; underlining, italics, centering and justification disappear, and the resume ends up being transmitted in the font designed for emailing† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 67). However, under exceptional circumstances, a person may opt to create a generic resume which contains no industry-specific information and is meant to appeal to a wide range of organizations and companies. For the most part, all of these type of resumes, with the exception of the electronic type, contain two important sections-first, the primary section, made up of an introduction, experience and education, and then the secondary section which may contain the objective, professional honors and awards, publications, computer skills, professional organizations, community activities, club memberships, volunteer positions, college work experience, military experience and some personal information such as supportive references (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 78). Obviously, the three most important elements of any well-organized resume are the introduction which gives the potential employer some basic background information on exactly which job or position is being sought, the experience section which details a person’s work history and the education section which highlights a person’s educational achievements at the high school, local community college and university levels. The experience section of a resume describes the work that a person has performed throughout his/her working life or career and thus appears first on the resume. However, if a person is changing careers, his/her work experience may be completely unrelated to the type of job or position being sought which makes the education section more important, thereby placing it before the experience section. Also, if a person has held a position in which certain degrees or related documents were required for employment, such as in law, medicine, engineering or management, the resume must begin with the education section. If a resume is begun with the work experience section, it should be in reverse chronological order, starting with the most current or recent employer. This section must also include accomplishments and duties via what type of work was done, what was achieved and how an employer benefited from one’s accomplishments on the job. Special consideration should be given to supervision, such as holding some type of management position in which one supervised or managed a number of people along with the specific title one held (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 95). Following the primary section, the resume then offers more information on various personal traits. With the objective, this statement refers to the type of position one is seeking, but often it is omitted, due to limiting the types of positions which may be offered to the prospective employee by the company or institution. When describing the job objective, it is a good idea to keep it extremely simple and direct and to make certain that it tells the employer what one wants to do within a company. Professional honors and awards can also be included in the objective, but only if they relate to the position being sought. For instance, a person applying as a manager in the automotive business might include awards from major automobile manufacturers or recognition for some type of innovative change. A person might also include any type of publishing credentials, especially those related to the position one is seeking. Since today’s world is so reliant on technology, it is a good idea to include a short description on one’s computer skills, particularly if the skills are related to programs essential to engineering or statistical management. Professional organizations can often play important roles, for they demonstrate â€Å"a sincere interest and commitment to one’s career and reflect real involvement in a person’s chosen field of specialty† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 124). The same holds true for community activities, club memberships and voluntary activities outside of the work environment, and by mentioning them, it may be beneficial if the position one is seeking requires strong social skills, such as in management and personnel recruitment. For those seeking to change careers and recent university graduates, including college work experience on a resume can make all the difference, for the potential employer will see that the person seeking the job or position was highly interested as a student in a particular vocation, especially if there is an indication that the work experience was as an intern, meaning that it was unpaid and voluntary. Of course, military experience can often be highly influential, for some employers may be veterans or currently hold reserve status in the National Guard or Coast Guard. One final piece of advice has to do with mentioning memberships in organizations that indicate a person’s religion, such as Masonic lodges or fraternities, and political preference, such as a member of a political party. In the field of management, the narrative paragraph adds the finishing touch to most resumes and is designed to provide â€Å"key information about one’s abilities, including any advanced or specialized education, publishing credentials and speaking engagements, all of which usually greatly impressive prospective employers† (Eyler, Resumes for Success, 126). When composing the narrative, those seeking positions in management should try to include descriptive statements that pertain to one’s accomplishments, responsibilities and personal strengths. For example, a resume could mention that the prospective employee is an innovative and energetic leader, a skilled communicator and team builder; an accomplished expert at organizational repositioning and the development of strategic initiatives; an accomplished corporate strategist; has demonstrated leadership abilities to develop and implement solutions that improve sales and revenues; an expert at identifying and capturing business in high-growth market segments; accomplished at managing diverse groups, people and situations and an expert at human resources development, motivation and management. In conclusion, a resume is an extremely subjective document, and while its primary goal is to illustrate a potential employee’s strengths, accomplishments and capabilities, the exact way to present these traits depends on the interviewer/employer. However, a well-constructed and written resume will always be appreciated by potential employers, for it not only demonstrates a person’s organizational abilities but also illuminates one’s dedication and perseverance to the often agonizing pursuit of finding the right job or position. How to cite To Write a Proper and Well-Constructed Resume, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Green Purchasing Strategy

Question: Describe about the green purchasing strategy. Answer: Green purchasing strategy is the suitable one to be followed during purchase for the organization. The green purchasing strategy would help the organization to promote the best procurement practices by minimizing cost, maximizing quality and assuring the quality products which are delivered on time (Bratton and Gold 2012). In addition, before purchasing the products, other peoples builds would be analyzed for gaining new ideas. In addition, the risk related to the purchasing would also be analyzed before purchasing which would be one prior stage of implementing the purchasing strategy. There are several risks for purchasing on behalf of the organization. While making purchase from own the buyers own viewpoint, the specific requirements for individual items might not meet the organizational objectives. Due to interrupted communication the delivery process can be delayed which might affect the organizational service. For purchasing products on behalf of the organization, the buyer would consult with the manager of the team, the production head and the head authority of the supply chain for understanding the product priorities. For analyzing the minimum cost that should be permitted for purchase, the employee should consult with the accounts department about the organizational financial capabilities and for further specified information, production consultant can help him to assess the product features for maximizing purchase benefits (Hendry 2012). For purchasing paper on behalf of the organization, some steps should be followed by the organization. Initially, the buyer should be paper efficient, i.e. the buyer should know how to use paper smartly for protecting environment and support fair access of paper, thereby developing world. Involving product redesigning, reuse and recycling can help to promote this step. Then, for purchasing paper, the virgin tree fiber should be limited, as it puts more pressure on biodiversity which affects negatively on environment. Third strategy is, buying green paper which would support both positive environment and social involvement of the organization. For this step, paper certified by the Forest Stewardship council (FSC) should be purchased. Next, the clean paper would be purchased, for example, unbleached or chlorine free bleached paper (TCF/PCF) (Buller and McEvoy 2012). The transparent paper products would be more preferable. Finally, the green paper brands would be selected for gaining mo re success The receiving person would go through a thorough process while receiving goods. The first step is to ensure that the purpose of purchase has been met successfully. The person should have sufficient knowledge about the product. In this context, the Blind method would be preferred which involves the invoice/purchase order. The receiving person will quantify the goods through proper measuring, weighing, counting and documenting the purchase. Then the document would be analyzed based on the original order (Jiang et al. 2012). To ensure that the right products has been received, each details of the products would be compared and verified by analyzing the received product featured with the order placing documents. In this context, sometimes, batch numbers are compared for avoiding any mistake. If the delivered goods have not complied with the ordered goods or its features, the receiving person would contact with the delivery brand through their customer service executive and would send an e mail with details of order and delivery documents for seeking clarification of this inconvenience. Before contacting with the customer care, the receiving person has to contact with the higher authority including the production manager and head of the supply chain manager (Walker and Walker 2012). For accounting these purchases the product order and delivery details can be used. During the placement of order, the suppliers would provide written or electronic documentation regarding the order placement, these documents should be reviewed. The batch number, order number and the booking number should be reviewed. With the help of these records, the dispute in delivery can be claimed. Following the codes of ethics and conduct, all the ethical rules would be considered by both the buyer and supplier. The consumer protection legislation would protect the consumer against any kind of inconvenience or misuse during the purchase action. The contract law helps to strengthen the voluntary agreement within the supplier and buyer. The sales goods act 1979 help to assure the contract of sale of goods by the seller and ensure the agreement of transferring the required property in goods. The price fixing provisions, price discrimination, fair trading of goods are assured by these legislations (Nickson 2013). a. Accountability is responsible for the business decisions and actions as well as the consequences of those actions and decisions taken in the organizational context. Probity principle highlights the evidence of ethical behavior which could be defined as the honesty, integrity and uprightness in a process. According to this principles, the officials must act ethically should not make improper use of their current position. Fairness and transparency in purchasing decisions is ensured by probity in Australian government (Tan and Yeap 2012). Risk management is referred to characterizing, assessing and prioritizing risk in the organizational purchase. It helps to avoid the failure processes and assessment helps to identify the exact requirements of goods and how can these be effective for organizational benefits. The value for money principle can be defined as achievement of expected outcomes of the purchase goods at the best and least possible price. Reference List Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), pp.43-56. Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Hu, J. and Baer, J.C., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating.